Benefits: bodily and metabolic stimulation, removal of toxins, cellular exchange and treatment of damp skin problems, benefits to the entire neuro-regenerative system.
The sauna originated in Finland, where it has been practised since 1100, not just as a time for pleasure and relaxation, but also as treatment in pursuit of clinical results, as happens for example in thermal centres, and thus requires specific medical instructions. The most obvious effect of the high temperature is sweating, a natural mechanism that acts to regulate the body’s temperature, keeping it as close as possible to 37°C. Sweating eliminates water and, by increasing the activity of the sebaceous glands, toxic substances. The increase in body temperature has beneficial effects on the musculature, which relaxes and lowers tension.

During the sauna, metabolism* and cardiac frequency increase, there is vasodilation and the blood becomes less ‘viscous’: these reactions facilitate the blood’s circulation in the body.

Heat can also provide benefits to those suffering from respiratory illnesses (bronchitis, sinusitis and chronic rhinitis); it can encourage faster muscular recovery (with facilitated relaxation and discharge of lactic acid), a sedative effect on nerve endings and improved resumption of peripheral circulation. This phase is followed by a bath in cold water, or at least a cold shower.

Temperature: 80-100°C - Recommended time: 10-15 minutes per session - Frequency: 3 sessions max. during one day

Contraindications: those with cardiac and/or blood pressure problems should undergo this treatment only after a doctor’s careful examination